Compatibility range of benchmark
You can measure the actual performance on the devices listed below without the need to purchase or install the device.
Supported Hardware
Target Device | .tflite |
Renesas RA8D1 (Arm Cortex-M85) | O (only INT8) |
Renesas RA8D1 (Arm Cortex-M85) with helium | O (only INT8) |
Alif Ensemble DevKit-E7 Gen2 (Arm Cortex-M55 + Ethos-U55) | O (only INT8) |
Alif Ensemble DevKit-E7 Gen2 (Arm Cortex-M55 + Ethos-U55) with helium | O (only INT8) |
Arm Virtual Hardware Corstone-300(Ethos-U55/U65) | O (only INT8) |
Arduino Nicla Vision(Arm Cortex-M7/M4) | O (only INT8) |
NXP i.MX 93(Arm Cortex-A55/M33+Ethos-U65) | O (only INT8) |
- When benchmarking on Jetson, it is essential for the model file and target device to match the Jetpack version.
Target Device | .trt | .engine | .tflite | .onnx |
Jetson Nano JetPack 4.4.1 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson Nano JetPack 4.6 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson Xavier NX JetPack 4.6 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson Xavier NX JetPack 5.0.2 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson TX2 JetPack 4.6 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson AGX Xavier JetPack 4.6 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson AGX Orin JetPack 5.0.1 | O | O | X | O |
Jetson Orin Nano JetPack 6.0 | O | O | X | O |
AWS-T4 | O | O | X | O |
Raspberry Pi
Target Device | .tflite | .onnx |
Raspberry Pi ZeroW | O | X |
Raspberry Pi Zero2W | O | X |
Raspberry Pi 2B | O | O |
Raspberry Pi 3B | O | O |
Raspberry Pi 3B+ | O | O |
Raspberry Pi 4B | O | O |
Raspberry Pi 5 | O | O |
Target Device | .zip(bin+xml) |
Xeon W-2223 | O |
Updated 9 months ago